Empowering Women, Children & Families to Live Free From Violence
Serving Martinsville, Henry & Patrick Counties
Southside Survivor Response Center
1-877-WE-HELP6 (934-3576)
Our Services
Safety for those most vulnerable.
Emergency Shelter - Provided for victims of domestic violence.
911 Cell phones - Provided to victims (usable for emergency 911 calls only).
Safety Planning - A guide to safety for victims.
Pet Safety - Safe Haven agreement with SPCA for pets of victims.
Advocacy on behalf of victims
Legal - Accompaniment through the legal system for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking.
Medical - Emergency hospital accompaniment for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault
Emergency Transportation - Limited as needed
Information and Referrals - to other community agencies as appropriate
Education to the community and allied professionals
Presentations - Speakers available upon request to address issues of domestic violence, sexual violence, stalking and other agency services.
Empowerment and Resilience Training - learn to better handle life's challenges, manage emotions, and build personal strength.
Elementary School Prevention Programs - bullying, cyberbullying, healthy teen dating, conflict resolution, 10-month Character Education Program
Violence Prevention Program - Facilitated by Outreach Coordinator in cooperation with Parks and Recreation Departments, County and City Schools, after-school programs, and mentoring programs.
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training -Two-Day training about how to effectively intervene with someone thinking about suicide.
Awareness Events - Community events to raise awareness of the issues surrounding domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and homelessness.
Support for those who reach out for services.
Crisis Intervention - Helpline services 24/7.
Reassurance calls - Daily outbound calls to ensure safety.
Supportive - Individual and group counseling for domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, children's support, self-esteem and life-skills.